I’ve worked on a lot of projects, from Arizona to Virginia and Montana to Cuba. A lot of those projects were spearheaded by others, so it’s not my place to cover them extensively here. I would like to share with you a bit of my own work, starting back in 2001. Click on the project title for more information.

Dooley’s Ferry: This was my dissertation site on the Red River in southwest Arkansas. It focused on civilians caught up in the American Civil War and how we can look for evidence of conflict in civilian sites in postcontact situations. You can download the full text here, from Earl Gregg Swem Library at The College of William & Mary.

Wallace’s Ferry: We’re working to find the battlefield at Wallace’s Ferry, in Phillips County, Arkansas.

Pea Ridge & Wilson’s Creek: This is a range of work that I completed for publication and fulfillment of my Master’s Degree requirements at the University of Nebraska. This was part of the Midwest Archeological Center’s larger research project at the two battlefields.

New Caves and Bench Pueblo: My first foray into archaeological research. I did a quantitative analysis of trade goods (lithics, ceramics, and shell) for my senior thesis at Grinnell College.